Chester City Council represents the interests of their constituents by responding to inquiries, suggestions, and complaints regarding City programs and services. They govern through legislative, administrative, and financial powers and have the ability to levy taxes, enact resolutions, and exercise budgetary and policy control over city departments. Council Members are elected members.
Chester City Council meets on the first and third Monday of the month at 5:00 p.m. and may hold additional meetings and all are open to the public.
To request City Council or Committee meeting schedules, wards, or any related information, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (304) 387-2820.
Mayor: Ed Wedgewood
Ward 1: Nathan Wright
Ward 2: John Woodruff
Ward 3: Michael Dotson
Ward 4: Jason Thorn
Ward 5: Steve Shuman
City Clerk: Courtney Stanlo
City Solicitor: Vacant
Police Chief: Chuck Stanley